Frequently Asked Questions

Can I cancel my subscription anytime?

Yes. You can cancel your subscription anytime. You may navigate to profile and cancel your subscription anytime while enjoying an active subscription. Alerts may remain active up to 72 hours after your subscription expires. We ask that you manually cancel all active alerts from your profile if you wish to stop all alerts immediately.

How do I use the arbitrage tools?

If you have pre-positioned coinage, apply them to the ‘Market 1’ and ‘Currency’ dropdowns on the arbitrage pages and follow directions for each arbitrage tool respectively. View the coin markets and exchange markets pages to discover endpoints.

To add a status alert, click the grey ‘Alert’ button next to the desired arbitrage or triangular arbitrage opportunity. Select greater than(>) or less than(<) from the drop down, and provide a custom status value(%) that you would like your alert to trigger. Click the green ‘Add Alert’ button. Your alert will appear in the sidebar.

What is an active alert?

An active alert is an open request for a price or arbitrage alert to be sent when market conditions meet your request criteria. Once completed or cancelled, it may be immediately filled with a new alert request. Alerts remain active for up to 90 days. These requests are processed every minute and can be managed from the coin market and arbitrage pages, or your profile. Alerts may be active up to 72 hours after your subscription has expired, been cancelled or account is closed.

Can I trade cryptocurrency on

No. You cannot trade cryptocurrency on or with We do not provide exchange services of any type, nor require or ask for any API information at anytime. We are strictly an information and alert service.

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